SLUM VISIT AND MEDICAL CAMP            for the construction workers

High number of the building construction workers developed musculoskeletal problems includingneck pain 7.5%, shoulder pain 10.5%, upper back pain 6.2%, lower back pain 16.5%, leg pain 23.9%,feet pain 13.4%, head heaviness 11.3%, and whole body fatigue 20.1% as per NLM research.This initiative brings architects and doctors together for social good!Project Salamati is initiated with an aim to work closely with our hardworking construction workersin understanding their problems and educating them on health, safety and well-being. It also aims tocreate awareness about their rights.  On 4 th June’ 23, our team comprising of Ar.Samruddhi S Chaphale, Dr. Gayatri Kursunge, Dr. ChandanBanwade, Tanaya S Chaphale, Ar. Shivangi Prasad, contractor Santosh Baviskar, Gangaramji andBhushan Chopde visited the slum settlement near Bole Petrol pump, Nagpur, comprising of 80% ofits population being that of construction workers. As an architect, Samruddhi (founder, LevellersFoundation) understands the aftermath of strenuous construction works and the importance of itbeing taken care of.Realising this, and teaming up with the doctors at CureDiab, we at Levellers Foundation set up ourfirst pain management medical camp in the core area of the slum settlement from 8-10am. Around30 dwellers, of all gender types attended not just general consultation but to get treated for theirmuscular, menstrual, joints pain, injuries, skin diseases, and mental disorders using Ayurvedtreatments such as Viddhakarma and Agnikarma. We specifically set up an enclosed room forwomen patients.While the patients were getting treated by the doctors, the architects and other volunteersapproached dwellers door to door to educate them about health and safety and encourage them toattend the camp and make the most of it. Architects also carried out their household survey andanalysis by visiting the various homes, sketching, documenting and understanding their history,living conditions, space management, housing techniques, drainage systems and growth and gaveinputs on sustainable measures that the dwellers can cumulatively take to opt for better livingconditions.This initiative instilled a sense of hope, satisfaction, inclusivity and motivation to continue working inservice of the society.Jai Hind!